LaxFiles | Namespace for various file utilities |
Attribute | Basic building block of entries |
DumpUtility | Class to provide do nothing place holders for dump_out, dump_in_atts, and a standard dump_in |
LaxInterfaces | Namespace for the Laxkit interfaces, surprisingly enough |
anInterface | A class for key and mouse interfaces acting on particular windows |
CaptionData | Holds a little bit of text |
CaptionInterface | Interface for manipulating CaptionData objects |
ColorPatchData | Cubic tensor product patch with colors defined at each vertex |
ColorPatchInterface | Interface for dealing with ColorPatchData objects |
SegmentControls | Class to hold info about how to generate associated Coordinate points |
Coordinate | The basic coordinate class for points |
DumpContext | Class to pass to interface object dump out methods for particular behavior |
EllipseData | Data class for EllipseInterface |
EllipseInterface | *** fix me!Interface for EllipseData objects |
LinePoint | |
EngraverFillData | |
EngraverFillInterface | Interface for dealing with EngraverFillData objects |
FillStyle | Store various characteristics of a fill |
RawPoint | |
FreehandInterface | Interface to create bezier or straight lines from freehand motion |
GradientDataSpot | GradientData keeps a stack of these |
GradientData | Handled by GradientInterface |
GradientInterface | Manipulates GradientData objects |
ImageData | Holds an image and a transform |
ImageInterface | Interface for manipulating ImageData objects |
ImagePatchData | Cubic tensor product patch with an image as the color source |
ImagePatchInterface | Interface for dealing with ImagePatchData objects |
LinesData | Data class for LinesInterface |
LinesInterface | Interface for LinesData, just straight point to point lines |
LineStyle | Store various characteristics of a line |
MeasureInterface | Measure length, angle and area in various ways |
ObjectInterface | Allows selecting and moving around several objects all at once |
showmat | |
PatchRenderContext | Holds threadsafe data concerning computations with PatchData like objects |
PatchData | Plain old ordinary cubic tensor product patches, the base for mesh gradients and some image warping |
PatchInterface | Class to deal with PatchData objects |
PathInfo | |
Path | Path contains only one path |
PathsData | Basically a stack of Path objects with extra fill rules |
PathOperator | Abstract base class of path operators |
PathInterface | The maintainer of all PathOperator classes |
SelectedPoint | |
PointWarpLink | |
PointWarpPoint | |
PointWarpData | |
PointWarpInterface | Class to deal with PointWarpData objects |
RectData | Basic rectangular selection, data type for RectInterface |
RectInterface | Handles RectData or works directly on the matrix of any SomeData |
SomeData | Basic data type for interfaces |
SomeFacNode | Internal node for SomeDataFactory |
SomeDataFactory | Class to get instances of interface data |
SomeDataRef | A reference to a SomeData |
ViewerWindow | Class for providing a ViewportWindow together with rulers, scrollers, etc |
ObjectContext | Class to make searching for objects convenient and expandable in a ViewportWindow |
ViewportWindow | Class specifically to use anInterface classes |
ViewportWithStack | ViewportWindow with an internal stack of objects |
Laxkit | The mother of all Laxkit classes |
anObject | Base class for all Laxkit objects |
WindowColors | Holds basic color styling info |
aDrawable | Class to facilitate various double buffer and in-memory pixmap rendering |
anXWindow | This is the basic window unit for the Laxkit |
TimerInfo | Used with anXApp |
ScreenInformation | |
anXApp | This class is the control unit for programs |
SquishyBox | A box with x,y,w,h, prefered w/h, and allowable shrink and expand values for w/h |
ListBox | A SquishyBox containing either a horizontal or vertical list of boxes |
RowColBox | Divvies up the child boxes into multiple rows or columns |
TableData | Class used internally for the data of tables, oddly enough |
TableBox | |
SelBox | Adds id,info,state to SquishyBox. Used in BoxSelector |
BoxSelector | Abstract base class for selectors based on boxed items |
Button | Simple class for a button that is an icon with optional label. Sends message when pressed |
ButtonBase | Abstract base class for single buttons |
ButtonDownInfo | Class to simplify keeping track of what buttons have been pressed |
ButtonDownInfoSpecific | |
CheckBox | Class for a single item checkbox |
ColorBase | Defines various simple conversions between rgb, cmyk, gray, and hsv |
ColorBox | A control to select an RGBA color, with each mouse button corresponding to r, g, and b |
SimpleColorEventData | Class to pass simple rgb, gray, or cmyk colors |
ColorPrimary | Defines a primary color of a ColorSystem |
ColorSystem | Defines a color system, like RGB, CMYK, etc |
Color | A base color, one value in range 0..1.0 for each channel of a ColorSystem |
ColorSet | Holds a collection of colors |
ColorSelector | |
ColorBarInfo | |
ColorSliders | Panel of sliders to control various color channels |
CurveInfo | |
CurveWindow | |
DateSelector | Pick a date from a gregorian calendar |
LaxDate | Small class to help slightly with date manipulation, based on the Gregorian calendar |
DisplayerCairo | Displayer based on Cairo |
DisplayerXlib | Somewhat of a graphics wrapper for Xlib graphics functions |
Displayer | A graphics drawing wrapper |
DoubleBBox | Class with double minx,maxx,miny,maxy |
DoublePanner | A PanController that uses doubles as a base |
ErrorLogNode | Stack node for ErrorLog class |
ErrorLog | Class to simplify keeping track of offending objects |
EventData | Class for sending data messages between windows |
RefCountedEventData | Class to send a reference counted object |
StrEventData | A EventData with a new'd char[] (copied from nstr in constructor), since they are so common |
StrsEventData | A EventData with a new'd char[][] (first element copied from nstr in constructor), since they are so common |
InOutData | Wrapper for info about a focus on/off, or Enter/Exit for a window or subwindow |
MouseEventData | Hold info about mouse button and motion events |
KeyEventData | Hold info about key press or release |
ScreenEventData | Wrapper for areas of a screen that need redrawing |
DeviceEventData | Event class for device events other than common mouse and keyboard events |
EventReceiver | Base class for any object that can receive events |
FileDialog | A dialog for selecting files |
FileMenuItem | Sub class of MenuItem to read in directories only when needed |
FileOrStr | Class that lets you output or input to a disk file or a string |
PreviewerFunction | File previewer module to handle different kinds of files |
FilePreviewer | Previews images if possible, otherwise shows a snippet of text |
FontDialogFont | Describes a font as dealt with in a FontDialog |
FontDialog | Dialog to allow selecting fonts |
LaxFontCairo | A LaxFont using cairo |
FontManagerCairo | The font manager used by anXApp to simplify keeping track of what fonts are loaded |
LaxFontXlib | A LaxFont using Xft |
FontManagerXlib | The font manager used by anXApp to simplify keeping track of what fonts are loaded |
LaxFont | A wrapper for fonts that contains various metric information |
FontManager | The font manager used by anXApp to simplify keeping track of what fonts are loaded |
FuncFrame | A frame window that uses rpn (reverse polish notation) expressions to define the subwindow positions and dimensions |
WinDef | |
IconNode | Stacked in an IconManager |
IconManager | Simplify maintenance of icons with this stack of IconNode objects |
IconBox | Internal node type for IconSelector |
IconSelector | A selector using boxes with a label and/or an icon |
IconSlider | Flip through a number of icons, 1 shown at a time |
ImageDialog | Class to allow viewing and changing info related to an image |
ImageInfo | Kind of a shell to hold various information about an image |
InputDialog | Dialog to enter a single line of text, with optional 3 buttons |
ItemSlider | Abstract base class for a kind of button that increments and decrements itself based on where the mouse is clicked |
LaxDevice | Class to hold info about various input devices |
LaxMouse | LaxDevice subclass for pointers |
LaxKeyboard | LaxDevice subclass for keyboards |
DeviceManager | Class to translate various incoming device events into Lax events |
CoreXlibPointer | Device that selects for core mouse events |
CoreXlibKeyboard | Device that selects for core keyboard events |
LaxCairoImage | |
LaxImlibImage | A LaxImage based on Imlib_Images |
VectorPart | |
VectorPartPath | |
MemCachedObject | |
ImageLoader | Class to facilitate getting an image from the disk into memory suitable for the current graphics backend |
LaxBufferImage | |
LaxImage | Abstraction around images |
LaxOption | Used internally by LaxOptions |
LaxOptions | Class to simplify parsing command line options, and outputing help text |
TouchObject | Basically a LaxMouse for touch objects |
TUIOListener | Class to listen to TUIO events on a specified port |
LayerPicker | Pick layers by number |
LineEdit | A generic single line text edit |
LineInput | A LineEdit with a label |
LinkedList | Independent node type for doubly linked lists |
PtrList | A simple doubly linked list of pointers |
node | |
NumStack | A generic stack for values (like int, double), not pointers |
PtrStack | A generic stack for pointers (like anXWindow *, char *), not values |
MenuButton | Simple class for a button pops up a menu instead of toggling itself in and out |
MenuItem | Node type for MenuInfo |
MenuInfo | General container for menu types of lists |
MenuSelector | General list and menu controller. Base class for PopupMenu |
MessageBar | A very basic text displayer window. Pass in a chunk of text and this window will display it. You can have multiple lines by putting '\n' characters in the text |
MessageBox | Window that puts a message and buttons like OK or Cancel |
MultiLineEdit | *** please note this class is currently seriously broken *** Multiline edit with optional word wrap |
Linestat | Holds information about the screen lines |
NewWindowObject | |
NumInputSlider | Like NumSlider, but on shift-LBDown lets you type in a value |
NumSlider | A slider control specifically for selecting integer numbers within a range |
Overwrite | Dialog to ask whether to overwrite something |
PaletteEntry | Color instance type for Palette |
Palette | A color palette. You can use a PaletteWindow to handle these |
PaletteWindow | A window to handle Palette instances |
PanController | A convenience for scroller types of things |
PanPopup | Press this, and a little PanWindow pops up |
PanWindow | Lets you drag a little rectangle around an image to select viewable area |
PanUser | Brief class to provide useful stuff for elements that use a PanController |
PopupMenu | Class for, of all things, popup menus |
PrintContext | |
PrintDialog | (***rather hideous at the moment...) Dialog to get some sort of context for printing |
ProgressBar | Where would we be without the ability to measure progress? |
HistoryNode | Node class for a stack of history for PromptEdit |
PromptEdit | An editor for a command prompt |
QuickFileOpen | A button with "..." on it that pops up a FileDialog sporting a menu with FileMenuItem entries |
IntRectangle | |
DoubleRectangle | |
RefCounted | A minimal refcounted object |
RefPtrStack | A RefPtrStack with refcounting elements |
RowFrame | A frame that lays out in multiple rows or by columns, but only one control deep |
RulerWindow | A ruler that tracks the mouse |
ScreenColor | |
ScrolledWindow | Class to have a window associated with a vertical and horizontal scroller |
Scroller | A vertical or horizontal scroll bar, with optional zooming handles, and togglable arrow positions |
KeyInfo | Info about a key, which can be part of a list in ShortCutDef |
ShortcutDef | |
ShortcutDefs | |
WindowAction | |
WindowModeInfo | Class to hold info about different modes a window can have. Used in WindowActions |
WindowActions | RefCount derived stack for WindowAction objects |
ShortcutHandler | A kind of event filter windows can use to help process keyboard shortcuts |
ShortcutManager | |
ShortcutTreeSelector | |
ShortcutWindow | |
SimplePrint | Simple dialog with option to print to file or via command |
SliderPopup | Basically an extended IconSlider to include a popup MenuSelector |
PlainWinBox | Basically a rectangle with a anXWindow |
SplitWindow | A window with resizable panes than can be split and joined |
StackFrame | A frame for a stack of windows that can be sized in one dimension |
TabBox | Holds the icon and a pointer to the window for elements of a TabFrame |
TabFrame | A frame to hold tabbed windows via TabBox objects |
Tagged | Class to help implement simple tagging and tag querying system |
TagCloudInfo | TagCloud node to keep track of which objects have a particular tag |
TagCloud | A tagged object manager, to make searching for sets of objects with specified tags easier |
TextUndo | Class to hold info for undos in text edit boxes |
TextEditBaseUtf8 | A base class for text edits using utf8 encoded character arrays |
TextXEditBaseUtf8 | The window base class for text edits using Latin-1 characters |
ToolTip | Used within anXApp |
Affine | |
TreeSelector | Collapsible tree view |
ColumnInfo | |
Undoable | Subclass from this if you want an object that can act as an agent of undoing |
UndoData | Undo node for UndoManager |
UndoManager | Simple class to keep track of undoes |
SimpleUnit | Small class to help with the conversion of simple units |
WinFrameBox | Extends SquishyBox to store anXWindow for use in RowFrame, for instance |
XYMesBar | Designed to display 2 numbers: "32,45" or "32x45" |
An | |
anOverlay | Class to simplify floating panels |
Basis | Basis with a spacepoint (p) and 3 dimensional axes x,y,z |
ButtonQueue | |
ColorManager | Keeps track of colors and color systems |
ColorStrip | Class that shows a current color, plus sliders for various primaries and an alpha channel |
ColumnInfo | Column info of detail columns in a TreeSelector |
DeviceManagerXInput1 | Device manager that sets up for old style XInput1 events |
EventFilter | Base class for filters windows can use to transform input event streams |
flatline | 2 dimensional line with point p and direction v |
flatvector | 2 Dimensional vector (x,y) |
GestureFilter | Event filter to detect some simple multitouch mouse gestures |
LaxWiimote | Class to use Wiimotes from lax based programs |
PathPointSelected | |
Plane | Plane with point p and normal n |
rgb_color | |
ShortCutDef | Holds info about a keyboard shortcut |
ShortcutFilter | Av event filter windows can use to detect keyboard shortcuts |
spaceline | 3 dimensional line with point p and direction v |
spacevector | 3 Dimensional vector (x,y,z) |
TLimits | |
Utf8String | |
class VectorPartFill public VectorPart
class VectorPartStroke public VectorPart
class VectorPartLineStyle public VectorPart
class VectorPartFillStyle public VectorPart
class VectorPartGradientFill public VectorPart
class VectorPartGradientStrokeFill public VectorPartclass VectorImage public LaxImage | |
WiiButtonMap | |
WindowFonts | Holds basic styling info about fonts |
XInput2Keyboard | Class corresponding to, if you can believe it, an XInput2 master device |
XInput2Pointer | Class corresponding to, if you can believe it, an XInput2 pointer |