Public Attributes
Laxkit::ColorPrimary Class Reference

Defines a primary color of a ColorSystem. More...

List of all members.

Public Attributes

double maxvalue
double minvalue
ScreenColor screencolor
LaxFiles::Attribute atts

Detailed Description

Defines a primary color of a ColorSystem.

For instance, for an RGB red, name="red" or "R", minvalue, maxvalue might be 0,255. The screencolor is a representation of how the color should appear on the computer screen. Red, for instance would be (255,0,0) for TrueColor visuals in X.

***Attributes would tell extra information about how to display the colors. For instance, to simulate differences between transparent and opaque inks, you might specify reflectance/absorption values, or maybe bumpiness. These are separate from any alpha or tint values defined elsewhere.

  // sample attributes would be:
  //    Reflectance: 128,128,0 (these would be based on the min/max for system, so for [0..255], 0=0%, 255=100%
  //    Absorption: 0,0,0

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Mon Feb 17 2014 11:52:59, Laxkit