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Laxkit::Displayer Class Reference

A graphics drawing wrapper. More...

Inheritance diagram for Laxkit::Displayer:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Displayer (aDrawable *d)
 Displayer (anXWindow *w=NULL, PanController *pan=NULL)
 Constructor, set everything to nothing or identity.
virtual ~Displayer ()
virtual Displayerduplicate ()=0
Window specific helper functions:
virtual aDrawableGetDrawable ()
Buffer Management
virtual void SwapBuffers ()=0
virtual void BackBuffer (int on)=0
virtual void WrapWindow (anXWindow *nw)
 Set the viewable portion of the displayer to correspond with the window's win_w and win_h.
virtual int StartDrawing (aDrawable *buffer)=0
 Set up to be drawing on a buffer.
virtual int MakeCurrent (aDrawable *buffer)=0
 Update the drawing context so that all drawing operations will now operate on buffer.
virtual int ClearDrawable (aDrawable *drawable)=0
 Free any data associated with drawable. Return 1 for drawable not currently used, or 0 for cleared.
virtual int CreateSurface (int width, int height, int type=-1)=0
 Clear the old surface, and create a fresh surface to perform drawing operations on.
virtual LaxImageGetSurface ()=0
 Return a new LaxImage that is copied from the current buffer.
virtual int ResizeSurface (int width, int height)=0
 Resize an internal drawing surface.
virtual int EndDrawing ()=0
 Set everything assuming we do not need to draw on the current surface for the time being.
virtual unsigned long NewFG (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)=0
 Set new foreground color. Typically usage is NewFG(app->rgbcolor(.5,.8,0,1.0)). Component range is [0..1.0].
virtual unsigned long NewFG (unsigned long ncol)=0
 Set new foreground. Typically usage is NewFG(app->rgbcolor(23,34,234)).
virtual unsigned long NewFG (ScreenColor *col)=0
 Set new foreground. Color components are 0..0xffff.
virtual unsigned long NewFG (int r, int g, int b, int a=255)=0
 Set new foreground. Typically usage is NewFG(app->rgbcolor(23,34,234)). Component range is currently 0..255.... subject to change.
virtual unsigned long NewBG (double r, double g, double b)=0
 Set new background color. Typically usage is NewFG(app->rgbcolor(.5,.8,0)). Component range is [0..1.0].
virtual unsigned long NewBG (int r, int g, int b)=0
 Set new background. Typically usage is NewBG(app->rgbcolor(23,34,234)).
virtual unsigned long NewBG (unsigned long nc)=0
 Set new background. Typically usage is NewBG(app->rgbcolor(23,34,234)).
virtual unsigned long FG ()=0
virtual unsigned long BG ()=0
virtual void LineAttributes (double width, int dash, int cap, int join)=0
 Set the width, whether solid, line cap and join.
virtual void FillAttributes (int fillstyle, int fillrule)=0
virtual LaxCompositeOp BlendMode (LaxCompositeOp mode)=0
 Set how to combine drawing elements to the target surface, return the old one.
Main drawing functions:
virtual void ClearWindow ()=0
 Clear the window to bgcolor between Min* and Max*.
virtual flatpoint realtoscreen (flatpoint p)=0
 Convert real point p to screen coordinates.
virtual flatpoint realtoscreen (double x, double y)=0
 Convert real point (x,y) to screen coordinates.
virtual flatpoint screentoreal (int x, int y)=0
 Convert screen point (x,y) to real coordinates.
virtual flatpoint screentoreal (flatpoint p)=0
 Convert screen point p to real coordinates.
virtual int Clip (flatpoint *p, int n, int append)=0
 Set the clipping area to the path defined by the given polyline.
virtual void PushClip (int startfresh)=0
 Push the current clip mask onto a stack, make a new one maybe.
virtual void PopClip ()=0
 Restore a previous clipping area.
virtual void ClearClip ()=0
 Clear any clip state.
virtual int activeMask ()=0
 Turn on or off the usage of double buffering.
virtual int DrawReal ()
 Any subsequent calls are using real coordinates.
virtual int DrawScreen ()
 Any subsequent calls are using screen coordinates.
virtual void Radians ()
 Interpret all angles as radians.
virtual void Degrees ()
 Interpret all angles as radians.
virtual void DrawOnMask ()
 Subclasses must redefine this is modifying the mask is ok.
virtual void DrawOnSrc ()
 Ensure that drawing operations work on source (as opposed to mask).
virtual int DrawImmediately (int yes)
 Do not append path operations, draw them with each call.
virtual int onscreen (double x, double y)
 Return whether the given (screen) point is in the viewable area or not.
virtual void show ()=0
 Flush waiting composite operation.
virtual void fill (int preserve)=0
 Fill any stored path(s). If preserve, then do not clear the path afterward.
virtual void stroke (int preserve)=0
 Paint any stored path(s). If preserve, then do not clear the path afterward.
virtual void moveto (double x, double y)
virtual void moveto (flatpoint p)=0
 Relocate path building to the point.
virtual void lineto (double x, double y)
virtual void lineto (flatpoint p)=0
 Add a segment to the current path.
virtual void curveto (flatpoint c1, flatpoint c2, flatpoint v)=0
 Add a bezier curve to the current path.
virtual void closed ()=0
 Call if current path should be closed, and close at the last added point.
virtual void closeopen ()=0
 Call if current path should be ended, but not closed.
virtual void drawpixel (flatpoint p)=0
 Draw one screen pixel at coord p. Transform to screen coordinates if real!=0.
virtual void drawpoint (double x, double y, double radius, int fill)=0
 Draw a little circle at real or screen coord (x,y) with screen radius r.
virtual void drawpoint (flatpoint p, double radius, int fill)
 Draw a little circle at p with screen radius.
virtual void drawlines (flatpoint *points, int npoints, char closed, char fill)=0
 Draw a polygon, optionally closed, optionally fill, optionally transform.
virtual void drawline (flatpoint p1, flatpoint p2)=0
 Draw a line between real coordinates p1 and p2.
virtual void drawline (double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
 Draw a line between coordinates (ax,ay) and (bx,by).
virtual void drawrectangle (double x, double y, double w, double h, int tofill)
 Draw a basic rectangle.
virtual void drawbez (flatpoint *bpoints, int n, int isclosed=0, int tofill=0)
 Draw a cubic bezier line.
virtual int drawrealline (flatline &ln, int num)
 Draw a line across the whole view, and if num!=-10000000, print the number num where the line hits the sides of the window.
virtual void drawellipse (double x, double y, double xradius, double yradius, double start_angle=0, double end_angle=0, int fill=0)
 Draw an ellipse with center at real point p..
virtual void drawellipse (flatpoint p, double xradius, double yradius, double start_angle=0, double end_angle=0, int fill=0)
 Draw an ellipse in the rectangle spanned by p +/- (xradius,yradius).
virtual void drawarc (flatpoint p, double xr, double yr, double start_angle=0, double end_angle=0)
 Draw part of an ellipse.
virtual void drawfocusellipse (flatpoint focus1, flatpoint focus2, double c, double start_angle=0, double end_angle=0, int fill=0)
 Draw an ellipse based on the foci.
virtual void drawthing (double x, double y, double rx, double ry, int fill, DrawThingTypes thing)
 Draw a little graphic in range X:x-rx..x+rx, Y:y-ry..y+ry.
virtual void drawthing (double x, double y, double rx, double ry, DrawThingTypes thing, unsigned long fg, unsigned long bg, int lwidth=1)
virtual void drawarrow (flatpoint p, flatpoint v, int rfromp=0, double len=10, char reallength=1, int portion=3)
 Draw a little arrow near point p in v direction.
virtual void drawaxes (double len=1)
 Draw the axes, x=red, y=green, real length len.
virtual void drawnum (double x, double y, int num)
 Draw the number num centered at screen coord (x,y).
virtual int font (LaxFont *nfont, double size=-1)=0
virtual int font (const char *fontconfigpattern)=0
 Set the current font to that specified.
virtual int font (const char *family, const char *style, double size)=0
 Set the current font to that specified.
virtual int fontsize (double size)=0
 Change the current font's size.
virtual int textheight ()=0
 Return the text height of the current font.
virtual double textextent (LaxFont *thisfont, const char *str, int len, double *width, double *height, double *ascent, double *descent, char real)=0
 Return the width of the text.
virtual double textextent (const char *str, int len, double *width, double *height)
 Return the width of the text.
virtual double textout (double x, double y, const char *str, int len=0, unsigned long align=LAX_CENTER)=0
 Draw text at screen x,y. Return distance advanced.
virtual double textout (double *matrix, double x, double y, const char *str, int len=0, unsigned long align=LAX_CENTER)=0
 Draw transformed text starting at x,y.
virtual double textout (double angle, double x, double y, const char *str, int len=0, unsigned long align=LAX_CENTER)=0
 Draw text at an angle starting at x,y.
virtual int imageout (LaxImage *image, double x, double y, double w, double h)=0
 Output an image into a real space rectangle.
virtual void imageout (LaxImage *img, double x, double y)=0
 Output an image at x,y with no further transform.
virtual void imageout (LaxImage *img, double *matrix)=0
virtual void imageout (LaxImage *img, double angle, double x, double y)=0
virtual void imageout_rotated (LaxImage *img, double x, double y, double ulx, double uly)=0
virtual void imageout_skewed (LaxImage *img, double x, double y, double ulx, double uly, double urx, double ury)=0
Viewport maintenance functions:
virtual const double * Getctm ()=0
 Return a constant pointer to the current transformation matrix.
virtual const double * Getictm ()=0
 Return a constant pointer to the inverse of the current transformation matrix.
virtual int righthanded ()
 Return whether the ctm is (mathematically) right handed or not.
virtual char Updates (char toupdatepanner)
 Call Updates(0) to disable updating the panner, Updates(1) to reenable it.
virtual void syncPanner (int all=0)
 Using displayer viewable portion settings, set the panner settings.
virtual void syncFromPanner (int all=0)
 Using the settings in the panner, try to set the Displayer bounds.
virtual void UseThisPanner (PanController *npanner)
 Use the supplied PanController for bounds control.
virtual void PushAxes ()=0
 Push the current axes on the axessstack.
virtual void PopAxes ()=0
 Recover the last pushed axes.
virtual void NewTransform (double a, double b, double c, double d, double x0, double y0)=0
 Make the current transform correspond to the values.
virtual void NewTransform (const double *d)
 Set the ctm to these 6 numbers, via NewTransform(d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3],d[4],d[5]).
virtual void PushAndNewTransform (const double *m)
 Push axes, and multiply ctm by a new transform.
virtual void PushAndNewAxes (flatpoint p, flatpoint x, flatpoint y)
 Push axes, and multiply ctm by a new basis, p,x,y are all in real units.
virtual void NewAxis (flatpoint o, flatpoint xtip)
 Replace current transform wth a new orthogonal basis with origin o, xaxis unit corresponds to (xtip-o).
virtual void NewAxis (flatpoint o, flatvector x, flatvector y)
 Replace current transform with origin o, with x and y as the new axes.
virtual void ShiftScreen (int dx, int dy)
 Move the viewable portion by dx,dy screen units.
virtual void ShiftReal (double dx, double dy)
 Move the screen by real dx,dy along the real axes.
virtual void Center (double minx, double maxx, double miny, double maxy)
 Zoom and center the view on the given real bounds.
virtual void Center (const double *m, DoubleBBox *bbox)
 Center the bbox bounds, after transforming by m.
virtual void Center (DoubleBBox *bbox)
 Center the bbox bounds, which are in real coordinates.
virtual void CenterPoint (flatpoint p)
 Centers the view at real point p.
virtual void CenterReal ()
 Make the center of Minx,Maxx... correspond to the real origin.
virtual void Newangle (double angle, int dir=0, int dec=-1)
 Rotate around real origin so that the x axis has angle between it and the screen horizontal.
virtual void Rotate (double angle, int x, int y, int dec=-1)
 Rotate by angle, about screen coordinate (x,y).
virtual void Zoomr (double m, flatpoint p)
 Zoom around real point p.
virtual void Zoom (double m, int x, int y)
 Zoom around screen point x,y.
virtual void Zoom (double m)
 Zoom around the real origin.
virtual double Getmag (int y=0)
 Return the current magnification, screen=Getmag*real.
virtual double GetVMag (int x, int y)
 Return the magnification along the screen vector (x,y). (screen=mag*real)
virtual void Newmag (double xs, double ys=-1)
 Set the xscale and the yscale, but preserve orientation, then syncPanner().
virtual void SetView (double minx, double maxx, double miny, double maxy)
 Set the view area to this section of the screen.
virtual int SetSpace (double minx, double maxx, double miny, double maxy)
 Set the workspace bounds, return nonzero if successful.
virtual void GetSpace (double *minx, double *maxx, double *miny, double *maxy)
 Get the real, not screen, workspace bounds.
virtual void GetTransformedSpace (long *minx, long *maxx, long *miny, long *maxy)
 Find the mins and maxes of the transformed workspace.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Laxkit::PanUser
 PanUser (PanController *npan=NULL)
 Create with a new panner.
virtual ~PanUser ()
 Removes this from panner tellstack. Delete panner if necessary.
virtual PanControllercreateNewPanner (PanController *pan=NULL)
 Create a new panner that is a copy of pan if given.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Laxkit::anObject
 anObject ()
 Set object_id=getUniqueNumber().
virtual ~anObject ()
 Empty virtual destructor.
virtual const charwhattype ()
 Returns the type of anObject.
virtual anObjectduplicate (anObject *ref=NULL)
virtual int inc_count ()
 Increment the data's count by 1. Returns count.
virtual int dec_count ()
 Decrement the count of the data, deleting if count is less than or equal to 0.
virtual int the_count ()

Public Attributes

unsigned long displayer_style
double upperbound
 The maximum screen length of an axis and other items.
double lowerbound
 The minimum screen length of an axis and other items.
int Minx
 Minimum screen x coordinate.
int Maxx
 Maximum screen x coordinate.
int Miny
 Minimum screen y coordinate (near top of screen).
int Maxy
 Maximum screen y coordinate (near bottom of screen).
- Public Attributes inherited from Laxkit::PanUser
- Public Attributes inherited from Laxkit::anObject
int suppress_debug
DeleteRefCountedFunc deleteMe
 Called when the count is decremented to 0.
unsigned long object_id

Protected Attributes

int on
char updatepanner
double spaceminx
 Minimum real workspace x coordinate.
double spacemaxx
 Maximum real workspace x coordinate.
double spaceminy
 Minimum real workspace y coordinate.
double spacemaxy
 Maximum real workspace y coordinate.
char draw_immediately
char real_coordinates
char decimal
int num_bez_div
- Protected Attributes inherited from Laxkit::anObject
int _count
 The reference count of the object.

Detailed Description

A graphics drawing wrapper.

Handles drawing lines, bezier curves, ellipses (in any orientation, not just elongated horizontally and vertically), and viewport scaling, rotating, shifting.

Displayer classes are meant to draw onto random buffers, but also have ability to draw right onto windows.

There are the screen bounds, which are in screen window coordinates, defined by Minx, Maxx, Miny, and Maxy. Also there are workspace bounds in real coordinates, defined by spaceminx, spacemaxx, spaceminy, and spacemaxy. If the axes are rotated, then the actual contents of a window may show portions not in the workspace. The bounding rectangle of this rotated space (in screen window coords) is stored in the panner so that scrollers and such have access to something meaningful.

Any window tracking the bounds and viewable portion of the displayer are typcially informed via a PanController, which sends out a change message to any windows registered with it.

For any rulers tracking the workspace, care must be taken when the axes are of different lengths, and especially when the axes are rotated. Call GetVMag() to find out the magnification along the specified screen vector. Also when rotated, the workspace is a rotated rectangle, thus its screen bounding rectangle is a larger rectangle. This must be taken into account by any scroll bars that track the workspace.


*** this could be automated a little more, maybe the ruler could watch a panner too? or watch a displayer??? maybe not, rulers are doubles, panners are longs

*** have to coordinate panner->minsel/maxsel and upperbound/lowerbound.

***heell, perhaps combine displayer and panner to DoublePanner? would simplify some things...

*** require ctm and ictm be kept up always?? would make this just slightly faster

 About the Current Transformation matrix (ctm) and its inverse (ictm):
      [ a  b  0 ]
  CTM=[ c  d  0 ]  –> [a b c d tx ty]
      [ tx ty 1 ]
  screen x= ax + cy + tx  –> screen = [x',y',1] = [x,y,1] * CTM  = real * CTM
  screen y= bx + dy + ty
  Say you want to rotate real, then translate real, then screenp = realp*R*T*CTM.
  In the Cairo library, cairo_matrix_t={ double xx,xy, yx,yy, x0,y0 } corresponds
  basically to [xx yx xy yy x0 y0].

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Laxkit::Displayer::Displayer ( anXWindow nxw = NULL,
PanController pan = NULL 

Constructor, set everything to nothing or identity.

upperbound=1000, lowerbound=.00001, ctm/ictm=identity, fgcolor=white, bg=black

References lowerbound, Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, spacemaxx, spacemaxy, spaceminx, spaceminy, and upperbound.

Member Function Documentation

int Laxkit::Displayer::activeMask ( )
pure virtual

Turn on or off the usage of double buffering.

Displayer::BackBuffer(int on)

Return whether there is an active clipping area (0 for no, nonzero for yes).

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

LaxCompositeOp Laxkit::Displayer::BlendMode ( LaxCompositeOp  mode)
pure virtual

Set how to combine drawing elements to the target surface, return the old one.

See LaxCompositeOp.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

Referenced by Laxkit::drawing_function(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWithStack::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::GradientInterface::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::Center ( double  minx,
double  maxx,
double  miny,
double  maxy 

Zoom and center the view on the given real bounds.

This will not rotate the display, but will shift and scale to view properly. The axes aspect is maintained.

Uses Zoom() and CenterPoint(). Subclasses need not redefine.

References CenterPoint(), Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, realtoscreen(), and Zoom().

Referenced by Center(), and SetView().

void Laxkit::Displayer::Center ( const double *  m,
DoubleBBox bbox 

Center the bbox bounds, after transforming by m.

Finds transformed bounds, then calls Center(double minx,double maxx,double miny,double maxy).

References Center(), and Laxkit::transform_point().

void Laxkit::Displayer::Center ( DoubleBBox bbox)

Center the bbox bounds, which are in real coordinates.

This just passes values on to Center(double,double,double,double).

References Center().

void Laxkit::Displayer::CenterPoint ( flatpoint  p)

Centers the view at real point p.

void Displayer::imageout_skewed(LaxImage *img,double x,double y,double ulx,double uly,double urx,double ury)

This finds the position of real point p on screen, then uses ShiftScreen() to center it.

References Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, realtoscreen(), and ShiftScreen().

Referenced by Center(), CenterReal(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::MoveResize(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Resize().

void Laxkit::Displayer::CenterReal ( )

Make the center of Minx,Maxx... correspond to the real origin.

This just calls CenterPoint(flatpoint(0,0)).

References CenterPoint().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::init(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::MoveResize(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Resize().

int Laxkit::Displayer::Clip ( flatpoint p,
int  n,
int  append 
pure virtual

Set the clipping area to the path defined by the given polyline.

Return 0 for success, nonzero for error.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

int Laxkit::Displayer::CreateSurface ( int  width,
int  height,
int  type = -1 
pure virtual

Clear the old surface, and create a fresh surface to perform drawing operations on.

Return 0 for successful creation, or nonzero for unable to do so.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

void Laxkit::Displayer::Degrees ( )

Interpret all angles as radians.

Sets decimal=1.

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawarc ( flatpoint  p,
double  xr,
double  yr,
double  start_angle = 0,
double  end_angle = 0 

Draw part of an ellipse.

Just calls drawellipse() with no fill. Subclasses need not redefine.

References drawellipse().

Referenced by Laxkit::draw_arc(), and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo::drawpoint().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawarrow ( flatpoint  p,
flatpoint  v,
int  rfromp = 0,
double  len = 10,
char  reallength = 1,
int  portion = 3 

Draw a little arrow near point p in v direction.

p is center of a circle radius rfromp, and the arrow is drawn tangent to the circle. rfromp<0 means arrow is on ccw side.

Currently, the length of the arrow is screen pixel length len if reallengthi==0. If reallength==1, then the length is the absolute real length len. If reallength==2, the arrow draws with a length norm(v)*len.

This uses drawline() to draw the arrow. Subclasses need not redefine.

If portion&1, draw half of the arrow head. If portion&2, draw the other half. So portion==3 draws whole arrow head.

References drawline(), norm(), realtoscreen(), and transpose().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::PatchInterface::drawControlPoints(), LaxInterfaces::GradientInterface::Refresh(), LaxInterfaces::RectInterface::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawaxes ( double  len = 1)

Draw the axes, x=red, y=green, real length len.

This will set the color, but not other line attributes.

References drawline(), DrawReal(), DrawScreen(), and NewFG().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWithStack::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawbez ( flatpoint bpoints,
int  n,
int  isclosed = 0,
int  tofill = 0 

Draw a cubic bezier line.

This is the usual actual bez having f'=3*(control point dist) which displays the remarkable midpoint property....

For t in [0,1] from vertex v1, controls c1,c2, then vertex v2: p(t) = (1-t)^3 * v1 + 3t(1-t)^2 * c1 + 3*t^2*(1-t) * c2 + t^3 * v2;

assumes n=(num vertex points), and that there are n*3 points in bpoints. If i is in range [0..n*3], then i%3=1 are v, i%3=0 c1,i%3=2 c2: c-v-c - c-v-c - c-v-c ... The first and final control point in bpoints are not accessed unless isclosed!=0.

This function uses curveto(), and fill()/stroke() if draw_immediately. Subclasses don't have to redefine if that is sufficient.

If fill==0 then draw only the line. If fill==1 then draw only the fill. If fill==2 then draw line with fgcolor, and fill with bgcolor

References closed(), curveto(), fill(), NewFG(), and stroke().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::drawNewPathIndicator(), drawthing(), LaxInterfaces::RectInterface::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::PatchInterface::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawellipse ( double  x,
double  y,
double  xradius,
double  yradius,
double  start_angle = 0,
double  end_angle = 0,
int  fill = 0 

Draw an ellipse with center at real point p..

This ellipse is (xr*(x-p.x))^2 + (yr*(y-p.y))^2 = 1. If f is distance from center to a focus, then f=sqrt(xr*xr-yr*yr) if xr>yr, swap if yr<xr.

This function just calls drawfocusellipse() with appropriate settings.

Referenced by drawarc(), and LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::drawNewPathIndicator().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawellipse ( flatpoint  p,
double  xradius,
double  yradius,
double  start_angle = 0,
double  end_angle = 0,
int  fill = 0 

Draw an ellipse in the rectangle spanned by p +/- (xradius,yradius).

If start and end angles don't correspond, then draw a partial ellipse, filled as a pie slice.

References drawfocusellipse().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawfocusellipse ( flatpoint  focus1,
flatpoint  focus2,
double  c,
double  start_angle = 0,
double  end_angle = 0,
int  tofill = 0 

Draw an ellipse based on the foci.

en=st==0 means draw whole thing.

If fill==0 then draw only the line. If fill==1 then draw only the fill. If fill==2 then draw line with fgcolor, and fill with bgcolor

*** fails on circles
cDist from focus to point on ellipse to other focus is c
start_angleThe starting angle
end_angleThe ending angle
tofillhow to fill

References Laxkit::bez_ellipse(), closed(), curveto(), fill(), NewFG(), stroke(), and transpose().

Referenced by drawellipse().

int Laxkit::Displayer::DrawImmediately ( int  yes)

Do not append path operations, draw them with each call.

Sets draw_immediately to yes. Returns old value of draw_immediately.

Referenced by Laxkit::DisplayerCairo::Clip(), and LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawline ( double  ax,
double  ay,
double  bx,
double  by 

Draw a line between coordinates (ax,ay) and (bx,by).

Just calls drawline(flatpoint,flatpoint). Subclasses need not redefine.

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References drawline().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawlines ( flatpoint points,
int  npoints,
char  closed,
char  fill 
pure virtual
void Laxkit::Displayer::drawnum ( double  x,
double  y,
int  num 

Draw the number num centered at screen coord (x,y).

If (x,y) is not on the screen, draw nothing.

If the coordinate is near a screen edge, care is taken so that the number will actually be drawn entirely in the screen, and not bleed off the edge.

References Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, onscreen(), textextent(), and textout().

Referenced by drawrealline().

void Laxkit::Displayer::DrawOnMask ( )

Subclasses must redefine this is modifying the mask is ok.

Default does nothing.

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

void Laxkit::Displayer::DrawOnSrc ( )

Ensure that drawing operations work on source (as opposed to mask).

Default does nothing.

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawpoint ( flatpoint  p,
double  radius,
int  fill 

Draw a little circle at p with screen radius.

If fill==0 then draw only the line. If fill==1 then draw only the fill. If fill==2 then draw line with fgcolor, and fill with bgcolor

This just calls the other drawpoint(p.x,p.y,radius,fill).

References drawpoint().

int Laxkit::Displayer::DrawReal ( )
int Laxkit::Displayer::drawrealline ( flatline ln,
int  num 

Draw a line across the whole view, and if num!=-10000000, print the number num where the line hits the sides of the window.

Return the number of intersections the line makes with the screen.

This uses drawnum() and drawline(), and subclasses need not redefine.

References drawline(), drawnum(), Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, realtoscreen(), and segmentandline().

void Laxkit::Displayer::drawrectangle ( double  x,
double  y,
double  ww,
double  hh,
int  tofill 

Draw a basic rectangle.

If fill==0 then draw only the line. If fill==1 then draw only the fill. If fill==2 then draw line with fgcolor, and fill with bgcolor

References closed(), fill(), NewFG(), and stroke().

Referenced by Laxkit::draw_rectangle(), and Laxkit::fill_rectangle().

int Laxkit::Displayer::DrawScreen ( )
void Laxkit::Displayer::drawthing ( double  x,
double  y,
double  rx,
double  ry,
int  fill,
DrawThingTypes  thing 

Draw a little graphic in range X:x-rx..x+rx, Y:y-ry..y+ry.

This uses Laxkit::draw_thing_coordinates() to draw from.

References closed(), Laxkit::draw_thing_coordinates(), drawbez(), and drawlines().

Referenced by Laxkit::draw_thing(), LaxInterfaces::RectInterface::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::Refresh().

int Laxkit::Displayer::EndDrawing ( )
pure virtual

Set everything assuming we do not need to draw on the current surface for the time being.

Updates(1) must be called, so that further changes to the viewport will be sent to the panner.

This resets all the drawing bits to 0 to prevent calls made from non-window elements trying to use windows that might have been destroyed. Unfortunately, such error checking for drawing bits set to 0 is hardly implemented in Displayer drawing functions.. Displayer needs more work...

If xw==NULL, then call Updates(1);

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWithStack::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::FillAttributes ( int  fillstyle,
int  fillrule 
pure virtual

fillrule can be EvenOddRule or WindingRule. fillstyle can be FillSolid, FillTiled, FillStippled, or FillOpaqueStippled.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::Refresh().

double Laxkit::Displayer::Getmag ( int  y = 0)

Return the current magnification, screen=Getmag*real.

If y!=0 then return the y scale, default is to return the x scale.

Note that this only returns basically length of axis in screen units divided by length of axis in real coords. If the axes are not at a right angle to each other, they do not correspond necessarily to the screen horizontal or vertical magnification. For that, call GetVMag.

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References Getctm().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::anInterface::Getmag(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Getmag(), LaxInterfaces::EngraverFillInterface::newPatchData(), LaxInterfaces::PathInterface::Refresh(), LaxInterfaces::EllipseInterface::scan(), LaxInterfaces::PointWarpInterface::scan(), and LaxInterfaces::PatchInterface::scan().

void Laxkit::Displayer::GetSpace ( double *  minx,
double *  maxx,
double *  miny,
double *  maxy 

Get the real, not screen, workspace bounds.

Note that if the real space is rotated, the returned values here are the actual real coordinates for the bounds. For a rectangled aligned with the screen, use GetTransformedSpace().

References spacemaxx, spacemaxy, spaceminx, and spaceminy.

LaxImage * Laxkit::Displayer::GetSurface ( )
pure virtual

Return a new LaxImage that is copied from the current buffer.

Returned image has count of 1.

The particular type of LaxImage will usually depend on the particular type of Displayer.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

void Laxkit::Displayer::GetTransformedSpace ( long *  minx,
long *  maxx,
long *  miny,
long *  maxy 

Find the mins and maxes of the transformed workspace.

It is ok to have some of the pointers NULL.

Note that these will be different values from GetSpace() when the viewing space is rotated.

References realtoscreen(), spacemaxx, spacemaxy, spaceminx, and spaceminy.

Referenced by syncPanner().

double Laxkit::Displayer::GetVMag ( int  x,
int  y 

Return the magnification along the screen vector (x,y). (screen=mag*real)

This is useful when the axes are of different lengths or are not orthogonal, or are rotated.

It is doing this:

return sqrt((x*x+y*y)/((v-v2)*(v-v2)));

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References screentoreal().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::anInterface::GetVMag(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::GetVMag(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::syncrulers().

int Laxkit::Displayer::imageout ( LaxImage image,
double  x,
double  y,
double  w,
double  h 
pure virtual

Output an image into a real space rectangle.

This will obey any clipping in place.

(x,y) is an additional translation to use. If w>0 AND h>0, then fit the image into a rectangle with those real width and height. If w<=0 or h<=0, then use the image's pixel width and height as bounds.

Return 0 for image drawn with no complications.

When there is an error and nothing is drawn, a negative value is returned. Return -1 for image==NULL. Return -2 for unknown image type. Return -3 for image not available.

When drawing effectively succeeds, but there are extenuating circumstances, a positive value is returned. Return 1 for image not in viewport, so it's not actually drawn. Return 2 for image would be drawn smaller than a pixel, so it's not actually drawn.

should be able to do partial drawing when an image is huge, and only a tiny portion of it actually should be rendered.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ImageInterface::Refresh(), LaxInterfaces::GradientInterface::Refresh(), LaxInterfaces::PointWarpInterface::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::PatchInterface::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::LineAttributes ( double  width,
int  dash,
int  cap,
int  join 
pure virtual
void Laxkit::Displayer::lineto ( flatpoint  p)
pure virtual

Add a segment to the current path.

If there was no previous point, then this is the same as a moveto(p).

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

void Laxkit::Displayer::NewAxis ( flatpoint  o,
flatpoint  xtip 

Replace current transform wth a new orthogonal basis with origin o, xaxis unit corresponds to (xtip-o).

This just does NewAxis(o,xtip-o,transpose(xtip-o)).

References transpose().

Referenced by Laxkit::DisplayerXlib::PushAndNewAxes(), and PushAndNewAxes().

void Laxkit::Displayer::NewAxis ( flatpoint  o,
flatvector  x,
flatvector  y 

Replace current transform with origin o, with x and y as the new axes.

If x is parallel to y, then nothing is done.

Checks for that, then calls NewTransform( x.x,x.y, y.x,y.y, o.x,o.y,).

References NewTransform().

void Laxkit::Displayer::Newmag ( double  xs,
double  ys = -1 

Set the xscale and the yscale, but preserve orientation, then syncPanner().

If ys<=0, then the y scale is set the same as the xscale.

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References Getctm(), NewTransform(), and Laxkit::transform_copy().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::init().

void Laxkit::Displayer::NewTransform ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
double  d,
double  x0,
double  y0 
pure virtual

Make the current transform correspond to the values.

Replace current transform with new, then must syncPanner().

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

Referenced by Newangle(), NewAxis(), Newmag(), NewTransform(), PushAndNewTransform(), ShiftReal(), ShiftScreen(), syncFromPanner(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::ViewportWindow(), and Zoom().

void Laxkit::Displayer::PushAndNewAxes ( flatpoint  p,
flatpoint  x,
flatpoint  y 

Push axes, and multiply ctm by a new basis, p,x,y are all in real units.

Simply a shortcut for:


Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References NewAxis(), and PushAxes().

void Laxkit::Displayer::PushAndNewTransform ( const double *  m)
void Laxkit::Displayer::Radians ( )

Interpret all angles as radians.

Sets decimal=0.

flatpoint Laxkit::Displayer::realtoscreen ( flatpoint  p)
pure virtual
flatpoint Laxkit::Displayer::realtoscreen ( double  x,
double  y 
pure virtual

Convert real point (x,y) to screen coordinates.

Just return realtoscreen(flatpoint(x,y)).

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

References Getctm().

int Laxkit::Displayer::ResizeSurface ( int  width,
int  height 
pure virtual

Resize an internal drawing surface.

If you had previously called CreateSurface(), this will resize that surface. If the target surface is an external surface, then nothing is done.

Return 0 for success, or 1 if not using an internal surface, and nothing done.

maybe preserve and position contents of old surface? like canvas resize??

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

int Laxkit::Displayer::righthanded ( )

Return whether the ctm is (mathematically) right handed or not.

Note that for typical X displays, how it appears to the user is left handed, when mathematically it is really right handed. This function returns whether the ctm is mathematically right handed.

References Getctm().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ImageInterface::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::UseTheseRulers().

void Laxkit::Displayer::Rotate ( double  angle,
int  x,
int  y,
int  dec = -1 

Rotate by angle, about screen coordinate (x,y).

dec nonzero means angle is degrees, otherwise radians.

Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References Newangle(), realtoscreen(), screentoreal(), and ShiftScreen().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::MouseMove().

int Laxkit::Displayer::SetSpace ( double  minx,
double  maxx,
double  miny,
double  maxy 

Set the workspace bounds, return nonzero if successful.

Returns 1 if successful and viewable area not changed.
Returns 2 if successful and viewable are is changed.

Please note that checking whether the viewable area is changed is not implemented. Currently, assumes that it is and returns 2.

Basically sets spacemin/max (ensuring that min is actually < max), then calles syncPanner(1). Subclasses should redefine if special care is needed.

References Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, spacemaxx, spacemaxy, spaceminx, spaceminy, and syncPanner().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::SetSpace(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::ViewportWindow().

void Laxkit::Displayer::SetView ( double  minx,
double  maxx,
double  miny,
double  maxy 

Set the view area to this section of the screen.

Basically, say there's a box in screen coordinates that you want to zoom in on, within the screen bounds given. The viewport will be zoomed so that that area is expanded (or shrunk) to fill the viewport.

Transforms the screen box into a real box, then uses Center(double minx,double maxx,double miny,double maxy).

Min/Maxx/y will not be changed, but afterwards they will correspond to these bounds. This is essentially a more complicated form of zooming.

*** this needs testing

References Center(), and Getictm().

void Laxkit::Displayer::ShiftReal ( double  dx,
double  dy 

Move the screen by real dx,dy along the real axes.

Finds the appropriate transform, then NewTransform(newctm).

The new transform is basically:


Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib.

References Getctm(), NewTransform(), and Laxkit::transform_copy().

void Laxkit::Displayer::ShiftScreen ( int  dx,
int  dy 

Move the viewable portion by dx,dy screen units.

This finds the new transform then sets with NewTransform().

In essence, do this:


Reimplemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

References Getctm(), NewTransform(), and Laxkit::transform_copy().

Referenced by CenterPoint(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::MouseMove(), Rotate(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::WheelDown(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::WheelUp(), Zoom(), and Zoomr().

int Laxkit::Displayer::StartDrawing ( aDrawable buffer)
pure virtual

Set up to be drawing on a buffer.

An important trait of starting drawing with this is that Updates(0) is always in effect until EndDrawing is called. Calling this start is when you want to draw a bunch of stuff on any old pixmap, and not fuss with the panner things.

Sets Minx=Miny=0, Maxx=width, Maxy=height of drawable.

If xw==NULL when EndDrawing() is called, then Updates(1) is called. Please remember, however, that the Minx,Maxx,... are screwed up by then, and you must sync those yourself.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerXlib, and Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWithStack::Refresh(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Refresh().

void Laxkit::Displayer::syncFromPanner ( int  all = 0)

Using the settings in the panner, try to set the Displayer bounds.

This would occur, for instance, on a "pan change" event resulting from a scroller move. The panner does not implement rotating, so any changes would be from a page size change or a straight move in screen x or y directions. Thus the panner wholespace has not changed its values, but the panner selbox has.

panner contains the transformed workspace coords. Real space=ictm*twc. So we must find a new transform so that the space fits the panner settings. If the displayer's axes must remain the same length, care must be taken to ensure that, since the panner uses integers, which introduce rounding errors.

This function is not called from within the Displayer. A holding window (such as ViewportWindow) would call it upon receipt of a "pan change".

Subclasses should call this, then update from ctm/ictm if necessary.

References Laxkit::dumpctm(), Getctm(), Laxkit::PanController::GetCurPos(), Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, NewTransform(), screentoreal(), syncPanner(), and Laxkit::transform_copy().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Event().

void Laxkit::Displayer::syncPanner ( int  all = 0)
double Laxkit::Displayer::textextent ( LaxFont thisfont,
const char str,
int  len,
double *  width,
double *  height,
double *  ascent,
double *  descent,
char  real 
pure virtual

Return the width of the text.

Use thisfont if given (but do not set the default font), or the default font if NULL.

Also return width, height, ascent, and descent if not null.

If real==0, then return ascent+descent for height. Else return the visual extent of the string.

Extents depend on draw_real.

Implemented in Laxkit::DisplayerCairo.

Referenced by drawnum(), Laxkit::getextent(), LaxInterfaces::CaptionInterface::Refresh(), Laxkit::CurveWindow::SetupRect(), and textextent().

double Laxkit::Displayer::textextent ( const char str,
int  len,
double *  width,
double *  height 

Return the width of the text.

This just calls the other textextent(). Also return width and height if not null. Extents depend on draw_real.

References textextent().

char Laxkit::Displayer::Updates ( char  toupdatepanner)

Call Updates(0) to disable updating the panner, Updates(1) to reenable it.

This is used during refreshing, when there is constant pushing and popping of the transform. Just sets a flag so that syncPanner returns before doing anything.

The programmer is responsible for balancing the push/pop of axes so that when updates are activated, the displayer and panner are still synced.

Returns the old value of updatepanner.

Referenced by Laxkit::DisplayerCairo::EndDrawing(), Laxkit::DisplayerXlib::EndDrawing(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Refresh(), and Laxkit::DisplayerXlib::StartDrawing().

void Laxkit::Displayer::UseThisPanner ( PanController npanner)

Use the supplied PanController for bounds control.

Displayer overwrites the values in the panner to correspond to the displayer values. The whole space of the panner corresponds to the transformed displayer workspace in screen window coords scaled to [-1000000,1000000].

Basically, dose UseThisPanner() then syncPanner(1).

wth? is this doc still true???

Reimplemented from Laxkit::PanUser.

References syncPanner().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::ViewportWindow().

void Laxkit::Displayer::WrapWindow ( anXWindow nw)

Set the viewable portion of the displayer to correspond with the window's win_w and win_h.

So Minx,Maxx,Miny,Maxy==0,win_w, 0,win_h Also sets the panner boxaspect to correspond to the window proportions. Call syncPanner() to update anything attached to it.

If the spacemin/max seem not to be set, then set things so that the whole space is 10 times the window size, and the viewable portion is in the middle.

PLEASE NOTE this does not do anything but set Min/Max, spacemin/max, mainly for panner upkeep. Other drawing targets or other state would be done in StartDrawing().

seems silly to wrap to this window, but not make all the other properties correspond to nw, such as connecting the drawing surface to the window.. needs more thought here.

References Laxkit::PanController::dontTell(), Maxx, Maxy, Minx, Miny, Laxkit::PanController::SetBoxAspect(), spacemaxx, spacemaxy, spaceminx, spaceminy, and syncPanner().

Referenced by LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::init(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::MoveResize(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::Resize().

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Mon Feb 17 2014 11:52:59, Laxkit