Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions
Laxkit::anXApp Class Reference

This class is the control unit for programs. More...

Inheritance diagram for Laxkit::anXApp:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 anXApp ()
 Constructor. Sets anXApp::app==this.
virtual ~anXApp ()
virtual const charwhattype ()
virtual int Theme (const char *theme)
virtual int Backend (const char *which)
virtual int init (int argc, char **argv)
 Init the app. The default is to call initX() if donotusex==0, otherwise wall initNoX().
virtual int initX (int argc, char **argv)
 Init the app. Open an X connection and set default stuff that depends on that.
virtual int initNoX (int argc, char **argv)
 Init the app without accessing X.
virtual int run ()
 This is the main event loop.
virtual int close ()
 Shut down the app manually.
virtual void quit ()
 Called anytime from anybody, tells the application to shut down.
virtual int Tooltips (int on)
 Upkeep anXApp::ttcount.
virtual int has (int what)
 Easy check for whether there are various capabilities in the application.
virtual LaxFiles::AttributeResource (const char *name)
 Return pointer to the resource named name.
virtual int Resource (LaxFiles::Attribute *resource)
 Append to or replace a resource.
virtual int DefaultIcon (const char *file)
 Set the default icon to the image in file.
virtual int DefaultIcon (LaxImage *image, int absorb_count)
 Use this data and mask for the default icon for windows.
virtual int ScreenInfo (int screen, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height, int *mmwidth, int *mmheight, int *depth, int *virt)
 Return information about a screen, based on information in xscreeninfo which gets defined in init().
virtual const charLocale () const
virtual void Locale (const char *)
virtual void bump ()
 Force dealing with any pending messages.
virtual EventReceiverfindEventObj (unsigned long id)
 Return the object with id in eventreceivers stack.
virtual int RegisterEventReceiver (EventReceiver *e)
virtual int UnregisterEventReceiver (EventReceiver *e)
virtual int SendMessage (EventData *data, unsigned long toobj=0, const char *mes=0, unsigned long fromobj=0)
 Send arbitrary data to a window.
virtual int rundialog (anXWindow *ndialog, anXWindow *wingroup=NULL, char absorb_count=1)
 Run a (top-level) dialog window that blocks inputs to other windows (runs a so called modal dialog)
virtual int addwindow (anXWindow *w, char mapit=1, char absorb_count=1)
 Add a window, optionally map it, optionally decrement its count.
virtual int mapwindow (anXWindow *w)
 Maps a window and sends MapNotify events to it and its subwindows.
virtual int unmapwindow (anXWindow *w)
 Unmaps a window and sends UnmapNotify events to it and its subwindows.
virtual int reparent (anXWindow *kid, anXWindow *newparent)
 Reparent kid to be a child of newparent.
virtual int setfocus (anXWindow *win, clock_t t=0, const LaxKeyboard *kb=NULL)
 Try to set the keyboard focus to win. If t==0 then use the current time.
virtual int destroywindow (anXWindow *w)
 Tell the anXApp that w should be destroyed.
virtual void postmessage (const char *str)
 Anything can call app->postmessage when they want to make some status statement.
virtual int CopytoBuffer (const char *stuff, int len)
 Copy stuff to the X cutbuffer.
virtual charGetBuffer ()
 Get a new'd copy of stuff from the X cutbuffer.
virtual anXWindowfindDropCandidate (anXWindow *ref, int x, int y, anXWindow **drop, Window *xlib_window_ret)
 Find a window to potentially drop things into.
virtual int SetMaxTimeout (int timeoutmax)
virtual int addtimer (anXWindow *win, int strt, int next, int duration)
 Add a timer. Return the timer id.
virtual int addmousetimer (anXWindow *win)
 Add a timer with the default mouse button delays. Returns timer id.
virtual int removetimer (anXWindow *w, int timerid)
 This removes a timer manually.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Laxkit::anObject
 anObject ()
 Set object_id=getUniqueNumber().
virtual ~anObject ()
 Empty virtual destructor.
virtual anObjectduplicate (anObject *ref=NULL)
virtual int inc_count ()
 Increment the data's count by 1. Returns count.
virtual int dec_count ()
 Decrement the count of the data, deleting if count is less than or equal to 0.
virtual int the_count ()

Public Attributes

const charbackend
 The default application profile, if any.
int buttoncount
 Number of times a mouse button has been pressed in succession.
 The default font string. It is a fontconfig pattern string.
 The default font for text inside text edits. It is a fontconfig pattern string.
int tooltips
 Number of milliseconds to wait once a mouse enters a window before popping up a tooltip.
PtrStack< LaxDevicetooltipmaybe
unsigned long color_tooltip_bg
unsigned long color_tooltip_fg
unsigned long color_activeborder
unsigned long color_inactiveborder
int default_border_width
int default_padx
int default_pady
int default_bevel
unsigned int dblclk
 Milliseconds within which a button has to be pressed again to be a double click, or triple, etc.
unsigned int firstclk
 Number of clock ticks to wait before throwing another click for when a button is held down.
unsigned int idleclk
 Number of clock ticks to wait between clicks after the first click when a button is held down.
- Public Attributes inherited from Laxkit::anObject
int suppress_debug
DeleteRefCountedFunc deleteMe
 Called when the count is decremented to 0.
unsigned long object_id

Static Public Attributes

static anXAppapp = NULL
 In the constructor, this variable is set to this.

Protected Member Functions

void newToolTip (const char *text, int mouseid)
 Create and add a new tooltip, ensuring there is only one per mouse up at any one time.
virtual void setupdefaultcolors ()
 Set the builtin Laxkit colors.
virtual int getlaxrc (const char *filename, const char *profile)
 Read in the given rc file, or the default if filename==NULL.
virtual void dump_in_rc (LaxFiles::Attribute *att, const char *profile)
virtual void dump_out_rc (FILE *f, const char *profile, int indent, int what)
 Output an rc file based on current colors.
virtual void dump_in_colors (LaxFiles::Attribute *att)
virtual void destroyqueued ()
 Called after all pending events have been processed, deletes all windows that have been anXApp::destroywindow()'d.
virtual void resetkids (anXWindow *w)
 Quick way to code setting window and win_on=0 for w and all subwindows,.
virtual void deactivatekids (anXWindow *ww)
virtual void idle (anXWindow *w)
 Handles idling (non-timer calls) for the window and its children.
virtual int refresh (anXWindow *w)
 Handles refreshing for window w and its children.
virtual int processdataevents ()
 Process the queue of EventData objects.
virtual int processSingleDataEvent (EventReceiver *obj, EventData *ee)
virtual int checkOutClicks (EventReceiver *obj, MouseEventData *ee)
 See if a mouse down event is down outside of any top windows in outclickwatch or any controls connected to them.
virtual int managefocus (anXWindow *ww, EventData *ev)
 Called from event loop, is supposed to do reasonable things with focus related events.
virtual void tooltipcheck (EventData *event, anXWindow *ww)
 Does tooltip related checking on events.

Protected Attributes

char dontstop
unsigned long dialog_mask
 Mask used for screening events when dialogs are up.
LaxFiles::Attribute resources
 A simple resource holder.
PtrStack< anXWindowdialogs
 Stack of dialogs. See rundialog().
RefPtrStack< anXWindowtopwindows
 Stack of top level windows. These windows have no parent.
RefPtrStack< anXWindowoutclickwatch
RefPtrStack< anXWindowtodelete
 Stack of windows to delete after the event queue is depleted.
PtrStack< EventReceivereventreceivers
PtrStack< TimerInfotimers
 Stack of timers.
pthread_mutex_t event_mutex
int maxtimeout
 Wait time to check for new messages, in microseconds.
int ttcount
 Special tag for whether tooltips are temporarily disabled.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Laxkit::anObject
int _count
 The reference count of the object.

Private Member Functions

virtual anXWindowfindwindow_by_id (unsigned long id)
 Find the anXWindow having the given object_id.
virtual anXWindowfind_subwindow_by_id (anXWindow *w, unsigned long id)
 Find the anXWindow having win, and ancestor w.

Detailed Description

This class is the control unit for programs.

All the lowest level state required to run an X program is kept and maintained in this class and in anXWindow. Also, fonts are kept here via a reference counting FontManager instance, and outside functions can get some common color functions such as converting a 3 number (int,int,int) color specification to a pixel value that can be used with the various Xlib functions.

A typical main() function looks like the following. Derived classes can redefine the init function to be more interesting:

int main(int argc, char **argv)
( and such...)

If at any point the program wants to stop running, then app->quit() should be called, which sets dontstop=0, and forces a break out of the run loop.

 Apparently between XCreating a window and the initial mapping, XResizes don't have any effect:
 seems the XResize goes through (check return value!), but then a ConfigureNotify is sent with old values.
 Can you explain this?

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Laxkit::anXApp::anXApp ( )

Constructor. Sets anXApp::app==this.

Sets load_dir and save_dir to the current directory.

Initializes various variables not dependent on an X connection nor on a laxrc file.

References newstr().

Laxkit::anXApp::~anXApp ( )


Calls close(), and generally deallocates any remaining things.

Member Function Documentation

int Laxkit::anXApp::addmousetimer ( anXWindow win)

Add a timer with the default mouse button delays. Returns timer id.

Please note that the timer is not automatically destroyed when the button is up.

maybe figure out how to make automatic turnoff when button up???

Referenced by Laxkit::Scroller::LBDown(), and Laxkit::Scroller::RBDown().

int Laxkit::anXApp::addtimer ( anXWindow win,
int  strt,
int  next,
int  duration 

Add a timer. Return the timer id.

strt,next are in milliseconds, they get converted to clock ticks in TimerInfo.

Once a timer is established, after the specified time, then a windows anXWindow::Idle() function will be called, with the associated timer id.

A duration of -1 means about 1000 hours, so basically forever.

winThe window to create the timer for
strtTime to wait for the first timer event (milliseconds)
nextTime to wait for each successive timer event (milliseconds)
durationHow long the timer should last (milliseconds)

References Laxkit::getUniqueNumber(), and Laxkit::anXWindow::WindowTitle().

Referenced by Laxkit::PopupMenu::MouseMove(), and Laxkit::ToolTip::ToolTip().

int Laxkit::anXApp::addwindow ( anXWindow w,
char  mapit = 1,
char  absorb_count = 1 

Add a window, optionally map it, optionally decrement its count.

In the course of adding the window, the following steps are taken:

If w==NULL or w->xlib_window already exists (just checks for nonzero value) then do nothing and return 1.

If the window is a child of a window that has not been addwindow'd, that is, parent->xlib_window==0, then the the window is not created here. It is merely inserted into the parent->_kids stack. No preinit(), etc are called now, they are called when the child->xlib_window is actually created, which will be when addwindow() is called on the parent. When the parent is addwindow'd, then the kids are all also addwindow'd using the same mapit value. Sometimes a child is already XCreated, but the parent is not. In that case, the child is XReparenteWindow'd to the newly created parent here.

First, w->preinit() is called.

Second, XCreateWindow is called. If win_w or win_h are zero, the window is created with 1 instead of 0, but win_w and win_h still are set to 0. This is because calling with 0 causes problems with Xlib.

Any reparenting that has to be done on any child windows listed in the w->_kids stack is done at this point, before w->init() is called. If the kid->xlib_window doesn't exist, addwindow(kid) is called. Only the immediate children are addwindow'd here. If all the kids are already addwindow'd, but the kid has non-addwindow'd kids, those are not addwindow'd. Hopefully this is ok.....

Third, w->init() is called, which normally is where a window's children are addwindow'd

Fourth, XMapWindow is called on the window, if mapit!=0.

Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error

References Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::anObject::dec_count(), Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, Laxkit::anXWindow::init(), Laxkit::load_image, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n, Laxkit::anXWindow::preinit(), Laxkit::anXWindow::SetupBackBuffer(), Laxkit::anXWindow::win_on, Laxkit::anXWindow::win_owner, Laxkit::anXWindow::win_pointer_shape, Laxkit::anXWindow::win_title, and Laxkit::anXWindow::WindowTitle().

Referenced by Laxkit::ColorSliders::EditHex(), Laxkit::FileDialog::FileDialog(), Laxkit::LineInput::init(), Laxkit::ScrolledWindow::init(), Laxkit::NumInputSlider::LBDown(), Laxkit::TabFrame::mapWindow(), Laxkit::ColorBox::PopupColorSelector(), Laxkit::StackFrame::Sync(), and Laxkit::RowFrame::Sync().

int Laxkit::anXApp::Backend ( const char which)

If they have been compiled in, which can be one of: "imlib" "cairo" "gl"

Return 0 for success, or 1 for cannot use.

void Laxkit::anXApp::bump ( )

Force dealing with any pending messages.

Sometimes messages sent via SendMessage() do not also make the application actually deal with those messages.

int Laxkit::anXApp::checkOutClicks ( EventReceiver obj,
MouseEventData ee 

See if a mouse down event is down outside of any top windows in outclickwatch or any controls connected to them.

destroywindow() if the mouse is down outside of any of them.

If there is any mouse in associated controls, should keep that group up.

References Laxkit::translate_window_coordinates(), and Laxkit::anXWindow::WindowTitle().

int Laxkit::anXApp::close ( )

Shut down the app manually.

This will remove any resources that have been allocated. If dpy==NULL, then of course just remove those bits that are not dependent on an x connection.

This function is provided just in case you want to shut down, then do other stuff for some reason. It is also called from the destructor.

References Laxkit::SetDefaultDisplayer().

int Laxkit::anXApp::CopytoBuffer ( const char stuff,
int  len 

Copy stuff to the X cutbuffer.

len<0 means make len=strlen(stuff)

References makenstr().

Referenced by Laxkit::TextXEditBaseUtf8::Copy(), and Laxkit::SliderPopup::RBDown().

void Laxkit::anXApp::deactivatekids ( anXWindow ww)
 *** whats up with this? is it still used??
 //quick fix for window manager not sending FocusOut 
 //to a sub-window if focus leaves its top window

References Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n, and Laxkit::anXWindow::win_active.

int Laxkit::anXApp::DefaultIcon ( const char file)

Set the default icon to the image in file.

This only works after anXApp has opened an X connection, and should be done before any windows are added. You must also call InitLaxImlib() before calling this. This function does nothing if Imlib2 is not available.

Top level windows get their icon hint set to this.

Returns 0 for success, or nonzero for error.


must implement checking for appropriate size for icons, currently just assumes 48x48 is proper, and that is what is in file...

must implement freedesktop _NET_WM_ICON. currently just does xwmhints

must implement some way to avoid direct dependence on Imlib

References makestr().

int Laxkit::anXApp::DefaultIcon ( LaxImage image,
int  absorb_count 

Use this data and mask for the default icon for windows.

Top level windows get their icon hint set to this.

this function should probably do existence checking, scaling, and freeing of old pixmaps..

References Laxkit::anObject::inc_count().

void Laxkit::anXApp::destroyqueued ( )

Called after all pending events have been processed, deletes all windows that have been anXApp::destroywindow()'d.

This may only be called from app::run(), outside of event handler else beware delete race conditions. Assumes only parents or topwindows in todelete, that is, for any window listed in todelete, there must not be a descendent of that window also listed in todelete. This should be so if they were tagged for delete only from destroywindow(). Also assumes window is already XDestroyWindow'd, which should have happened in destroywindow().

References Laxkit::anXWindow::deletekid(), and Laxkit::anXWindow::WindowTitle().

int Laxkit::anXApp::destroywindow ( anXWindow w)

Tell the anXApp that w should be destroyed.

Meant to be called from within windows any old time. Means window did delete protocol, or just wants to be destroyed.

First w->close() is called, then anXWindow::xlib_window and its subwindows are XDestroyWindowed here and set to 0, and any associated timers and tooltip checking removed, but the anXWindow instance is really destroyed at end of event loop in run(), or in app->close(). Windows are ultimately responsible for deleting sub-anxwindows, via win->deletekid(), which is usually called by app in destroyqueued(), so the user typically doesn't have to do anything special. Also, if the stated window is a dialog, then it is naturally removed from the dialog stack.

References Laxkit::anObject::_count, Laxkit::Displayer::ClearDrawable(), Laxkit::anXWindow::close(), Laxkit::GetDefaultDisplayer(), Laxkit::IsWindowChild(), and Laxkit::anXWindow::WindowTitle().

Referenced by Laxkit::PopupMenu::addselect(), Laxkit::SplitWindow::Change(), Laxkit::InputDialog::CharInput(), Laxkit::PopupMenu::CharInput(), Laxkit::SimplePrint::CharInput(), Laxkit::LineEdit::CharInput(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::CharInput(), Laxkit::FileDialog::ClearFinalButton(), Laxkit::ImageDialog::closeWindow(), Laxkit::FileDialog::closeWindow(), Laxkit::Overwrite::Event(), Laxkit::ToolTip::Event(), Laxkit::NumInputSlider::Event(), Laxkit::InputDialog::Event(), Laxkit::MessageBox::Event(), Laxkit::SimplePrint::Event(), Laxkit::LineInput::Event(), Laxkit::PrintDialog::Event(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::Event(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::FocusOff(), Laxkit::ToolTip::Idle(), Laxkit::SplitWindow::joinwindow(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::LBDown(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::LBUp(), Laxkit::PopupMenu::RBUp(), Laxkit::SplitWindow::RemoveCurbox(), Laxkit::StackFrame::ReplaceWin(), Laxkit::MultiLineEdit::UseTheseScrollers(), Laxkit::ScrolledWindow::UseThisWindow(), and Laxkit::PopupMenu::~PopupMenu().

void Laxkit::anXApp::dump_in_colors ( LaxFiles::Attribute att)

Used to scan in laxrc color values.

References Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n, and LaxFiles::SimpleColorAttribute().

void Laxkit::anXApp::dump_in_rc ( LaxFiles::Attribute att,
const char profile 
void Laxkit::anXApp::dump_out_rc ( FILE *  f,
const char profile,
int  indent,
int  what 

Output an rc file based on current colors.

If what==-1, then dump out with comments.

If profile!=NULL, then write out "profile name" where name is the profile string, and everything is indented a further 2 spaces. Else everything is dumped out with current indent.

anXWindow * Laxkit::anXApp::find_subwindow_by_id ( anXWindow w,
unsigned long  id 

Find the anXWindow having win, and ancestor w.

called from a loop over topwindows in run.

Perhaps this should be a window function?

References Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, and Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n.

anXWindow * Laxkit::anXApp::findDropCandidate ( anXWindow ref,
int  x,
int  y,
anXWindow **  drop,
Window *  xlib_window_ret 

Find a window to potentially drop things into.

x,y are coordinates in ref. If ref==NULL, then they are coordinates of the root window.

If drop!=NULL, then assume you only want a window that this application knows about. Otherwise, also search for any window that X knows about. The window that is found is returned in drop.

Ultimately this will be used for more full featured drag and drop.


cannot find windows that X knows about that the application doesn't, so cannot drop to other programs (yet)!

this needs work... especially when there are windows on different screens.. laxkit in general does not handle multiple screens well (ie, at all)..

***** this ignores stacking order!!!

References Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, and Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n.

char * Laxkit::anXApp::GetBuffer ( )

Get a new'd copy of stuff from the X cutbuffer.

*** this appears to be broken, cannot copy stuff from terminal...

Referenced by Laxkit::TextXEditBaseUtf8::Paste().

int Laxkit::anXApp::getlaxrc ( const char filename,
const char profile 

Read in the given rc file, or the default if filename==NULL.

This does not reset all values, but does overwrite any values found.

The default is LAX_CONFIG_DIRECTORY/laxrc, or ./laxrc if that fails.

Return 0 for success, nonzero for error, such as file not readable.

should probably flock() the file while reading in...

References LaxFiles::Attribute::dump_in().

int Laxkit::anXApp::has ( int  what)

Easy check for whether there are various capabilities in the application.

This can test for whether various capabilities have been compiled into the Laxkit, or is otherwise available.

By default, you can check for:

void Laxkit::anXApp::idle ( anXWindow w)

Handles idling (non-timer calls) for the window and its children.

Called from a loop over topwindows in run. Is supposed to call w->Idle(0) if necessary, then recursively call idle() with the kids of w. Default just returns.

remove this function? is do nothing now
int Laxkit::anXApp::initNoX ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Init the app without accessing X.

Responsibilities here include:

  • set up color masks and such
  • read in from any default laxrc
  • set up default graphics context for drawing controls
  • set up default styles/colors by reading in the proper sequence of laxrc files

Currently, no options are recognized, but that may change.

*** this can be further broken down to call specialized functions for each task

References Laxkit::set_color_shift_info().

int Laxkit::anXApp::initX ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Init the app. Open an X connection and set default stuff that depends on that.

Responsibilities here include:

  • open x connection
  • initialize the x cut buffer
  • read in from any default laxrc
  • set up color masks and such
  • set up default font/XOM/XIM/XIC/XOC
  • set up default graphics context for drawing controls
  • set up default styles/colors by reading in the proper sequence of laxrc files

Currently, no options are recognized, but that may change.

*** this can be further broken down to call specialized functions for each task

References Laxkit::GetDefaultDisplayer(), Laxkit::getUniqueNumber(), Laxkit::InitLaxCairo(), Laxkit::InitLaxImlib(), Laxkit::newCoreXlibDeviceManager(), and Laxkit::set_color_shift_info().

void Laxkit::anXApp::Locale ( const char lang)

Set the string representing the default language. Use "" for system default. Then calls setlocale(LC_ALL,default_language).

References makestr().

int Laxkit::anXApp::managefocus ( anXWindow ww,
EventData ev 

Called from event loop, is supposed to do reasonable things with focus related events.

Window ww is found for event e.

Catches LAX_onButtonDown and LAX_onMouseIn. Always focus on a window that is clicked in. Set focus on any window with with ANXWIN_HOVER_FOCUS when the mouse enters.

Returns 0 if it does not absorb event, 1 if it does.

sometimes, my WM not sending FocusIn/Out on Enter/Leave, but is changing focus regardless... need to check if this is still true
int Laxkit::anXApp::mapwindow ( anXWindow w)

Maps a window and sends MapNotify events to it and its subwindows.

Clients only wishing to map the top window can do so with XMapWindow. This function merely calls XMapSubwindows(), then XMapWindow().

Referenced by Laxkit::TabFrame::mapWindow().

void Laxkit::anXApp::postmessage ( const char str)

Anything can call app->postmessage when they want to make some status statement.

Builtin default is to do nothing. (well, cout something in debug version)

Referenced by Laxkit::ColorBox::MouseMove(), LaxInterfaces::ViewerWindow::PostMessage(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::postmessage(), LaxInterfaces::PointWarpInterface::UseThis(), and LaxInterfaces::PatchInterface::UseThis().

int Laxkit::anXApp::processdataevents ( )

Process the queue of EventData objects.

Accumulated messages, whether from SendMessage() or through other means, are dispatched to the target windows.

if event propagation ever really becomes an issue, it should probably be fleshed out here!
int Laxkit::anXApp::processSingleDataEvent ( EventReceiver obj,
EventData ee 

Return nonzero for event could not be sent, or 0 for event sent or otherwise processed. The event is not deleted after processing here.

If obj==NULL, then use findEventObj(data->to).

References Laxkit::EventReceiver::Event(), Laxkit::anXWindow::Event(), Laxkit::anXWindow::FocusOff(), and Laxkit::anXWindow::FocusOn().

void Laxkit::anXApp::quit ( )

Called anytime from anybody, tells the application to shut down.

This basically forces a break out of the event loop, thus ending the program.

int Laxkit::anXApp::refresh ( anXWindow w)

Handles refreshing for window w and its children.

Called from a loop over topwindows in run. Calls w->Refresh() only if (w->Needtodraw() && w->win_on). The window must clear needtodraw itself.

Returns the number of windows saying they still need to be refreshed.

References Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::findindex(), Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n, Laxkit::anXWindow::Needtodraw(), Laxkit::anXWindow::Refresh(), Laxkit::anXWindow::win_on, and Laxkit::anXWindow::WindowTitle().

int Laxkit::anXApp::RegisterEventReceiver ( EventReceiver ev)

Return 0 for success, nonzero for not registered.

int Laxkit::anXApp::removetimer ( anXWindow w,
int  timerid 

This removes a timer manually.

Timers can be created with a number of ticks to last, and the timer is automatically removed when there are no more ticks. Users can also choose to manually remove timers here.

If timerid==0, then remove any timer of w.

Referenced by Laxkit::PopupMenu::Idle(), Laxkit::ItemSlider::Idle(), Laxkit::Scroller::Idle(), Laxkit::ItemSlider::MouseMove(), and Laxkit::Scroller::RBUp().

int Laxkit::anXApp::reparent ( anXWindow kid,
anXWindow newparent 

Reparent kid to be a child of newparent.

Attempts to reparent to a window that has ANXWIN_DOOMED in win_style will fail.

To reparent as a top level window, the newparent should be NULL.

If the parent is not created yet (parent->xlib_window==0), then only the anXWindow::win_parent is adjusted. The window is not addwindow'd. If the calling code addwindows the child before addwindowing the parent, then the child window is simply put in the parent window's _kids stack. When the parent is addwindow'd, all the windows in _kids will be addwindow'd then. If the kid's xlib_window is already created, but the parent is not, then the X window is XReparentWindow'd in addwindow.

If the parent->xlib_window exists, but the kid->xlib_window does not, then the kid is addwindow'd here.

The kid keeps its x,y,w,h after it gets reparented.

Return 1 on error, 0 on success.


maybe after reparenting, check to make sure window is on screen if it becomes top level

*** not sure, but there might problem when newparent is a child of kid...

implement reparenting to different screens

References Laxkit::anObject::_count, Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::anObject::dec_count(), Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::findindex(), Laxkit::anObject::inc_count(), Laxkit::RefPtrStack< T >::remove(), and Laxkit::anXWindow::win_name.

Referenced by Laxkit::SplitWindow::Add(), Laxkit::TabFrame::AddWin(), Laxkit::StackFrame::AddWin(), Laxkit::RowFrame::AddWin(), Laxkit::SplitWindow::Change(), Laxkit::StackFrame::ReplaceWin(), Laxkit::SplitWindow::splitthewindow(), Laxkit::ScrolledWindow::UseThisWindow(), and LaxInterfaces::ViewerWindow::ViewerWindow().

void Laxkit::anXApp::resetkids ( anXWindow w)

Quick way to code setting window and win_on=0 for w and all subwindows,.

Called from destroywindow(), this just has the effect of removing the windows from the event queue. Actual X Window destroying is done in destrowindow(), which calls this function after it XDestroys the windows.

This will set ANXWIN_DOOMED in w->win_style and all of w's children.

References Laxkit::anXWindow::_kids, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::e, Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::n, and Laxkit::anXWindow::win_on.

LaxFiles::Attribute * Laxkit::anXApp::Resource ( const char name)

Return pointer to the resource named name.

The returned Attribute objects are not copies or reference counted, so calling code should do something with it quick, in case the resource is otherwise deleted. The calling code should NOT delete the returned Attribute.

This is currently used by various dialogs to store their window size and position settings, stored by their class name. Also used to store file bookmarks as a resource named "Bookmarks".

References LaxFiles::Attribute::find().

Referenced by Laxkit::FileDialog::BuildBookmarks(), and Laxkit::FileDialog::newBookmark().

int Laxkit::anXApp::Resource ( LaxFiles::Attribute resource)

Append to or replace a resource.

IMPORTANT: resource must be a pointer to a totally new instance, not something already contained in resources. LaidoutApp takes possession of resource, meaning it becomes responsible for deleting it.

Completely replace the existing resource with the one given. If the resource did not previously exist, then install the resource.

Return 0 for success, or nonzero for error.

might be wise to have reference counted resources, but that's maybe getting too complicated for what these resources are mainly meant for, that is: info used upon dialog creation

References LaxFiles::Attribute::find(), and Laxkit::PtrStack< T >::remove().

int Laxkit::anXApp::run ( )

This is the main event loop.

If dpy==NULL, then this will immediately return 1.

Return 0 for successful run. Return nonzero for unsuccessful, such as when dpy==NULL.

must implement other file descriptor input for the call to select. This will allow listening for unusual input sources like wiimotes or socket communication..
int Laxkit::anXApp::rundialog ( anXWindow ndialog,
anXWindow wingroup = NULL,
char  absorb_count = 1 

Run a (top-level) dialog window that blocks inputs to other windows (runs a so called modal dialog)

A dialog is a top level window that eventually that discards messages that are masked in dialog_mask that belong to other windows, or windows that are not descended from dialog. Often times a dialog will bring up another dialog like a message box or another popup menu, and anXApp maintains a stack of such dialogs. If the dialog already is on the stack, then move it to the top.

Usually either the owner of the dialog or the dialog itself is responsible for extracting and/or delivering any state from the dialog and destroywindow'ing the dialog. After that point, event processing returns to normal.

rundialog() addwindow's the dialog if it is a toplevel, sets up the event handler to toss out those other messages, and returns 1. Please note that the event screener potentially could upset windows that keep track of button down/up; for instance when a dialog is popped up when the button is pressed down, rather than on a button up. Any generated events are screened from this point until destroywindow() is called on the dialog.

Sometimes multiple dialogs should be receiving all events. In that case, wingroup should point to a window that is already on the dialogs stack. Events are routed only through the top of the stack, and to windows on the stack that are of the same group.

If the dialog is not toplevel (ie win_parent!=NULL), nothing is added and 0 is returned.

The dialog is added to the application via addwindow(ndialog,1,wislocal).

Returns 0 for success, or nonzero for error.

Referenced by Laxkit::PopupMenu::addselect(), Laxkit::ImageDialog::Event(), Laxkit::FileDialog::Event(), Laxkit::PanPopup::LBDown(), Laxkit::PaletteWindow::LBDown(), Laxkit::SliderPopup::makePopup(), Laxkit::MenuButton::makePopup(), Laxkit::SplitWindow::RBDown(), LaxInterfaces::ViewportWindow::RBDown(), Laxkit::RulerWindow::RBUp(), Laxkit::ImageDialog::RegeneratePreview(), LaxInterfaces::ImagePatchInterface::runImageDialog(), LaxInterfaces::ImageInterface::runImageDialog(), Laxkit::QuickFileOpen::send(), and Laxkit::FileDialog::send().

int Laxkit::anXApp::ScreenInfo ( int  screen,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
int mmwidth,
int mmheight,
int depth,
int virt 

Return information about a screen, based on information in xscreeninfo which gets defined in init().

Return the width, height, and depth information about a screen, if the corresponding pointers are not NULL. The mmwidth and mmheight are in millimeters. These are usually returned by the monitor, and may or may not be accurate.

Return how many of the requested variables were found (this 0 for none found).

Referenced by Laxkit::PanWindow::centerOnMouse(), LaxInterfaces::ViewerWindow::SetRealUnits(), and Laxkit::MenuSelector::WrapToPosition().

int Laxkit::anXApp::SendMessage ( EventData data,
unsigned long  toobj = 0,
const char mes = 0,
unsigned long  fromobj = 0 

Send arbitrary data to a window.

Applications can derive classes from EventData to easily pass arbitrary chunks of data between windows. This data will be deleted by anXApp eventually. So once SendMessage() is called, the calling code should forget about the data.

anXWindows receive these messages through anXWindow::Event(const EventData *data,const char *mes) If the window accepts it, then it must return 0. If nonzero is returned from the window, then the message has not been dealt with, and it is propagated to its parent.

If towindow, mes, or sendwindow are not 0, then those fields of data are set. data->send_time is automatically set to the current time (milliseconds since boot).

Data passed in here are added to a list of data to send. These are processed in processdataevents(). If the target window does not exist at that time, the data is deleted.

Messages are recorded in a thread safe way with event_mutex.

References makestr().

Referenced by Laxkit::Overwrite::Event(), Laxkit::InputDialog::Event(), Laxkit::MessageBox::Event(), Laxkit::LineInput::Event(), Laxkit::RulerWindow::Event(), Laxkit::FileDialog::Event(), Laxkit::SimplePrint::Print(), Laxkit::ItemSlider::send(), Laxkit::DateSelector::send(), Laxkit::ColorBox::send(), Laxkit::SliderPopup::send(), Laxkit::LineEdit::send(), Laxkit::ImageDialog::send(), Laxkit::ButtonBase::send(), Laxkit::Scroller::send(), Laxkit::PaletteWindow::send(), Laxkit::FileDialog::send(), Laxkit::BoxSelector::send(), Laxkit::TreeSelector::send(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::send(), Laxkit::CurveWindow::send(), LaxInterfaces::ColorPatchInterface::sendcolor(), and LaxInterfaces::GradientInterface::sendcolor().

int Laxkit::anXApp::setfocus ( anXWindow win,
clock_t  t = 0,
const LaxKeyboard kb = NULL 

Try to set the keyboard focus to win. If t==0 then use the current time.

This assumes that win is available to actually accept the focus.

Return 0 for success. -1 for win is not able to accept focus. 1 for window is IsUnviewable or IsUnmapped, and so cannot set focus to it (trying to do so will crash the program). Must be IsViewable as returned in map_state in the Xlib function XGetWindowAttributes().

If devicemanager!=NULL, then actually set the focus with DeviceManager::SetFocus(). Otherwise, fall back on Xlib call XSetInputFocus(), which will set a generic core pointer focus.

Referenced by Laxkit::InputDialog::CharInput(), Laxkit::PopupMenu::CharInput(), Laxkit::MenuSelector::Event(), Laxkit::NumInputSlider::LBDown(), Laxkit::SliderPopup::makePopup(), Laxkit::MenuButton::makePopup(), and Laxkit::PopupMenu::MouseMove().

int Laxkit::anXApp::SetMaxTimeout ( int  timeoutmax)

Returns old max timeout

void Laxkit::anXApp::setupdefaultcolors ( )

Set the builtin Laxkit colors.

If app_profile is "Dark" then set a dark color scheme. If app_profile is NULL or "Light", then set a more usual gray/white scheme.

References Laxkit::rgbcolor().

int Laxkit::anXApp::Theme ( const char theme)

This should be called immediately after contstructor. It merely sets app_profile to theme. app_profile is used later on to determine default color options.

Default is to simply return 0.

References makestr().

void Laxkit::anXApp::tooltipcheck ( EventData event,
anXWindow ww 

Does tooltip related checking on events.

Currently called from run() via processSingleDataEvent() while processing events. Checks for enter events and initializes whether to potentially popup a tooltip soon and turns off check when leave event or on events from related devices.

In settimeout(), there is a check for whether it is time to pop up a tip, and a new ToolTip window is created if necessary.

 |- time entered a window
 |–a little initial movement allowed–|—–non-move time—–| <- end of allowed time

See also settimeout().

References Laxkit::anObject::dec_count(), Laxkit::anObject::inc_count(), Laxkit::anXWindow::tooltip(), Laxkit::LaxMouse::ttendlimit, Laxkit::LaxMouse::ttthreshhold, and Laxkit::LaxMouse::ttwindow.

int Laxkit::anXApp::Tooltips ( int  on)

Upkeep anXApp::ttcount.

Inc if (on) else dec. ttcount will never be less than 0. Returns ttcount==0, that is, whether tooltips are active.

int Laxkit::anXApp::unmapwindow ( anXWindow w)

Unmaps a window and sends UnmapNotify events to it and its subwindows.

Clients only wishing to unmap the top window can do so with XUnmapWindow. This function merely calls that, then XUnmapSubwindows().

Referenced by Laxkit::SplitWindow::LBDown(), Laxkit::TabFrame::mapWindow(), and Laxkit::SplitWindow::Maximize().

Member Data Documentation

static anXApp * Laxkit::anXApp::app = NULL
char * Laxkit::anXApp::app_profile

The default application profile, if any.

The only profiles built in are "Dark" and "Light". Subclasses would set this variable to something before init() is called. In init(), getlaxrc(NULL,app_profile) is called, in order to try to grab any further profile values from the laxrc file if any.

int Laxkit::anXApp::buttoncount

Number of times a mouse button has been pressed in succession.

anXApp keeps this to check on the simplest case of a single button being pressed rapidly. Any other buttons also being pressed during the same time period will reset this counter.

char * Laxkit::anXApp::default_language

Normally empty string "". You can change this with Locale(const char*) to be some specific language. Otherwise, uses the current language settings for your environment.

unsigned long Laxkit::anXApp::dialog_mask

Mask used for screening events when dialogs are up.

The default is not allow input and focus events, and let other events like expose and enter/exit events pass.


Wait time to check for new messages, in microseconds.

If bump() doesn't seem to work, set this to something nonzero to force breaking out of select().

LaxFiles::Attribute Laxkit::anXApp::resources

A simple resource holder.

This is used by, for instance, FileDialog to remember where the dialog was on the screen if the dialog is closed and opened.

If you want an application to remember such settings between starting and stopping, then your class derived from anXApp must implement its own file save and load. This is simply a matter of choosing a file to save to, and calling resources.dump_out(FILE*,int) and resources.dump_in(file,0,NULL).

RefPtrStack< anXWindow > Laxkit::anXApp::todelete

Stack of windows to delete after the event queue is depleted.

Windows are pushed onto here from destroywindow(), and they are actually deleted from destroyqueued().

int Laxkit::anXApp::tooltips

Number of milliseconds to wait once a mouse enters a window before popping up a tooltip.

If 0, then tooltips are disabled.

int Laxkit::anXApp::ttcount

Special tag for whether tooltips are temporarily disabled.

Calls to Tooltips() increment and decrement this. During pointer grabs, for instance, tooltips would wreck havoc, so this flag is to temporarily disable them.

ttcount==0 means use tooltips, and any other value means do not use tooltips.

maybe a negative value could signal that tooltips should pop up automatically when entering a new window. This would be when you hover over a window and get a tooltip, and the user wants to scan the tooltips of all adjacent windows without waiting the hover time.

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Mon Feb 17 2014 11:52:59, Laxkit