Laxkit Checklist
Light Amalgamated X Kit
Loose Amalgamated X Kit
Lotsa Assorted Xthings
Lord, another Xlib-wrapper
Lumbering Asinine Xkit
Lame Awful Xkit
– Readymade Control Usage –
The only dependencies currently are png, Xlib, libssl, libcups, fontconfig, and Imlib2.
Currently, only left to right fonts supported in controls, that will change.
Controls called something-slider or something-button have one thing selected at a time.
Controls called something-selector can have multiple things selected at a time.
The Laxkit provides the following ready made controls and features:
- means implemented more or less acceptably
~ means implemented enough to sort of work, but needs much cleanup
. means implementation started, but still a long way to go until usable
means not implemented
- basic window type with tooltips and member functions LBDown/Up, CharInput/Release, and such
- scrollers with the little arrows optionally right next to each other
- zooming scrollers
- 2-d pan window, with optional popup feature
- 2-d integer tracker class, akin to Gtkmm's Adjuster class
- message bars: basic, multiline
- message bars: geared for displaying x,y coords in various formats
- line edits
- labled line edit
~ multiline word wrapping edits with left/right/center justification, and l/r/c/numerical tabs
~ simple multiline edit based on a prompt
number rail slider with optional label
- number slider, with optional label
- number slider with input
- string slider
- icon slider
- rulers that track the mouse
- color picker: simple 8 bit rgb
~ palettes and palette window
color picker: up to 32 bit per channel palette-gray-rgb-cmyk-cmy with background, and with simple conversion
color strip: arbitrary primaries/cmyk/rgb/CIEL+a*b*/gray/yuv/palette
- progress bar
- text button
~ graphic button: check box-square/circle with a label
- icon button
- icon selector, with icon and/or text label
- pop up menus (multi-level, select one only,optionally sub menus persist in memory)
- popup menu selector (one level, select many), non-popped looks kinda like strslider
sliderpopup/lineinput: has label, can type in option or select from list.
- menu selector/ menu as checkboxes, checks, or highlighted
detail selector, like menuselector, but list details, like file details
~ tree selector
- icon selector (like for picking text attributes l/c/r/j)
- function frames using RPN expressions for position, width, and height
~ row/column packing: l->r and t->b, LRBT RLTB RLBT LRTB LRBT RLTB RLBT
row/column packing with builtin capability for nested rows/cols
table frames
~ tabbed window frame
~ SplitWindow frame, like in Blender and Ion
- StackFrame, a container for more than 1 window, and you slide bars between to resize
- DateSelector
~ file select
~ font select
. print setup
~ color select?
- single line input box
- single line input box with buttons!!
- message box, a label with buttons: "Blah Blah" [ok] [cancel]
- ImageDialog, for setting a few properties and associated preview of images
- Overwrite popup
an interface setup for complex manipulation of things in one window including:
~ rect selecting
- bezier curve construction
~ ellipse construction
- line construction
nurbs lines
- bezier patches
~ bezier color patch gradients
~ linear and radial gradients
~ object interface
~ freehand (makes bezier lines)
~ hetergeneous paths
- images (based on Imlib2)
triangle color mesh gradients?
triangle color strip gradients (could be combined with above somehow?)?
. text objects
. measure tool
- viewport window, holds a stack of the above interfaces
- viewer window, holds a viewport, scrollers, etc.
Shortcuts: general shortcut integration
dialogs for searching for blank keys or used shortcuts
setup to easily enable modifying existing shortcuts
Convenience graphics functions, not anti-aliased or optimized for speed or efficiency,
uses plain Xlib functions, these are just cheap, quick hacks really, but they do come in handy:
- displayer for cheap and easy 2-d graphics with easy scaling/rotation
displayer3d for cheap and easy 3-d, not optimized, no opengl
Support for various useful things:
- Imlib2 initialization
a Displayer using cairo as backend
Generic image loaders based on imlib2, libmagick++, or whatever else
graphics tablet support, spaceball support (need to get a spaceball first!!)
. opengl support
—General Guidelines —–
Typical frame usage is something like this:
aDerivedFrameInstance::init() {
AddWin(new WindowObject, additional parameters, ...)
AddWin(new WindowObject2)
Sync(1); <- the 1 means to call app->addwindow on all the unwindow'd AddWin'd windows
AddWin and Sync should not depend on an anxwindow having anXWindow::window defined already.
The windows should have win_w/win_h,... set with a Sync(1) before (or at the same time as in usage
example above) any call to any subwindow's anXWindow::init(), in which windows need
appropriate values for window, win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h, and win_border so they can
do whatever basic initialization they need to.
Any resizing of the frame calls Sync(0) which calls anXWindow::MoveResize(—)
If you make any frames of your own they ought to adhere to the above guidelines.